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The AB CARBIDE company is created by young, ambitious people who have extensive experience in the production of agricultural parts.
We use tungsten carbide technology and special hardfacing which significantly extend the life of agricultural parts.
Our goal is to develop technology for the production of spare parts for tillage machines in the agricultural industry.
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About us

The AB CARBIDE company is created by young, ambitious people who have extensive experience in the production of agricultural parts. Our goal is to develop technology for the production of spare parts for tillage machines in the agricultural industry. We use tungsten carbide technology and special hardfacing which significantly extend the life of agricultural parts.

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We specialize in cooperation with...

manufacturers of agricultural machinery. We provide design and technological support in the matter of carbide and hardfacing tillage parts. We can offer individual solutions based on exclusive cooperation. We encourage you to contact us to familiarize yourself with the detailed offer).

Due to the continuous expansion of the sales network...

and the manufactured product range, we invite companies interested in cooperation to contact us. We also sell outside Europe.

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The technology we use involves adding carbide plates to the cutting edge and in places most exposed to abrasion. Carbide plates have very high hardness and abrasion resistance, which prevents excessive wear of the cultivation parts.

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